Diego Linares

laporta is shameless. idc if in the end xavi stay or left or if flick was about to replace him, but you cant treat a man like that. just 3 months ago he begged him to stay after he wanted to leave and now he sacked him? fatso and not just a man. 3 legends. 3 victims. if you cant handle the situation then step aside dude.
Same as Araujo. Just stupid mistakes that costed us the tie, can’t believe that a player of his age would do these kid of mistakes
Ah yes, let's compare stats between players that play 2 different roles, in 2 different leagues, on 2 different continents. Surely the conditions are exactly the same!
The way Xavi is behaving on the bench is just annoying. Never seen a coach with so many red cards but he doesn’t want to change
It’s been a couple days after the game and I’ve realized a few things 1. Cancelo should be just as much to blame as Araujo. Terrible positioning for PSG’s first goal when we were already DOWN A MAN and then he does a absolutely clumsy challenge on Dembele for the penalty 2. Xavi should’ve subbed out Pedri instead of Yamal 3. Xavi threw the team under the bus by getting a red card when the game was TIED ON AGG. The players probably felt more overwhelmed mentally due to that 4. Araujo needs to learn to stop defending with his hands so much
Trust me bro
Naah , gundo should learn his lesson, never talk to Spanish media. They'll twist your words .
I love Araujo but I 100% stand with Gundo on this one. Our mentality hasn’t changed. We still do crumble when it matters. Araujo is a great defender but even he is not free from criticism. Call him out and don’t sugarcoat for shit
Lol it was legit a clearance from kounde that rebounded off fermin and landed right to mbappe. Let's be fair the kid locked up mbappe
Great game from cubarsi don't be fooled by the loss none of the goals were his fault
Man had to play against Mbappé, Dembélé, Barcola, Araujo and Cancelo, damn.
😂 😂 😂 https://s3a.sofifa.net/b172f16a68ca430b387d1d3d1d18f1e7ceb54032.jpg
"Simple" answer is Barça is an easy team to hate. Just over thirty years ago we didn't have a single champions league, then we built the best team in history with Guardiola and for years won against the biggest clubs in the world. We're in this middle point where small clubs like Chelsea, Arsenal, Atletico and others hate us because we're above them and the "big" boys see us as upstart brats not worthy of our position as a big club. But it's ok because we are Barça, més que un club.
Signing a right back for now is unnecessary, I would do it next season. With sergi roberto we are covered for a substitute and instead of spending money, I would give dest another chance. With the money we save on the fullback we could go for something better for CDM, like Amrabat who could cost us 25-30M. Selling Ferran torres for now would be a mistake, because he is not amortized and selling him for 25-30M would only represent economic losses in FFP, I would loan him to recover some value and then sell him. I would keep Abde, but if an offer of at least 30M comes in I would sell him. I wouldn't sell garcia either, being an almost perfect option to be a the fifth option for the CB I think it's a good idea to sign Lo celso and sell Kessié. In conclusion, this season: Signings: Amrabat, Lo celso. Fresneda for next season. Departures: Kessié Loans: Ferran, Nico, Dest(?), Pablo torre.
Best managers after 48 La Liga matches Luis Enrique 118 points Xavi 115 points Valverde 114 points Guardiola 113 points Koeman scored 94 points of which Messi played 38 matches. Nobody talks about this .....
https://s3a.sofifa.net/59d9f11f0f94743b98cbeaaed5c8ae0a28d2d098.jpg https://s3a.sofifa.net/4d82280492686fe146799494f0b56f0b3782b217.jpg
Before the 90s Barcelona were on par with Real Madrid domestically. You're ahead in Europe always definitely.
what barça did was selling their own things, but the club still belongs to the city and fans! I hope you can beat United, I'm sick of those oil clubs.
Irónico que estés hablando de corrupción siendo madridista. Todos sabemos lo parcial que está todo el mundo con el Madrid
Sinceramente, debería de darte vergüenza decir eso siendo del Madrid
Ya se ha explicado que los servicios contratados eran los reportes sobre el comportamiento de árbitros, algo que todos los clubs hacen. Medina Cantalejo (presidente del CTA) ya ha aclarado que Negreira no tenía ningún tipo de influencia, y a parte el CTA donde estaba Negreira no son los que eligen los árbitros de la jornada, eso lo hace otro comité. ( https://as.com/futbol/primera/medina-cantalejo-llevo-40-anos-en-el-arbitraje-y-es-lo-mas-triste-que-he-visto-n/ ) El Barça actuó mal contratando a alguien en activo, pero no hay nada que indique ningún tipo de trato de favor. Se investigará y se sancionará lo que tenga que pasar, puede haber delito económico pero eso es todo. La prensa controlada por Florentino puede hacer todo el ruido que quiera, y hacer un castillo de un grano de arena. Pero los aficionados de cualquier club saben que cuando juegan contra ellos, el equipo más favorecido por los árbitros es el MADRID.
Why would I stop dreaming? The day you stop dreaming, is the day life has lost all meaning:)
- Someone who has never seen Mazraoui play
What kind of a striker is he? Target man, poacher or a all-round striker.
We'll regret signing Lautaro this summer.